Clear and simple status monitoring
It doesn’t get much simpler: you see the exact location of your sites or WBS elements on the map. You can also display the current project status. You can see at a glance the progress of the planned activities in the respective regions, areas, route or network sections.
Features of the SiteTracker map module:
– Optional progress display right next to the site on the map
– Register your own icons or site symbols
– Assign any icons using information fields
– When you click the site icons, the map displays the following information: system configuration status, incidents and tasks as well as a detailed progress bar
– Display sites via the project structure on any level: individual site, site group (e.g. federal states) or all sites
– Based on Google Maps and Bing Maps (separate licence required)
SiteTracker also offers maximum flexibility with the map module so that you can adapt it to your project requirements.